Cómo hacemos los mejores beignets en Houston

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2018

[:en]You’ve just finished a night of fun with friends and are ansia algo dulce, tal vez beignets en Houston. As you think about getting some you wonder, “How does Shipley make the best buñuelos en Houston?”

¡Ordene algunos Beignets ahora!

Nuestra masa está lista para freír sobre la marcha. 

beignets Houston Los hacemos frescos

As it turns out, you weren’t the only one in your group of friends craving beignets. As they suggest a few places to go for the fried puffs of heaven, you come up with an idea.

“Why choose when we can get beignets from two places?” Another friend nods.

“Not a bad idea,” they say.

Entonces haces dos paradas. Uno en Shipley Do-Nuts y otro en otra tienda de donas. El grupo se reúne alrededor de una mesa y se sumerge.

“You know…” one friend starts, “I’m not saying the other place is bad. These taste good. Just…”

“Not as fresh,” you add, thinking about how beignets are like french fries. They are best enjoyed right after frying. Sure, you can eat them when they’ve been out a while, but would you want to?

That’s why we keep our dough ready to fry on the fly. So you can get the freshest batch of the best beignets in Houston when you order.

¿Te apetece un regalo fresco?

Usamos masa de levadura como Cafe Du Monde en Nueva Orleans.

Usamos levadurabeignets Houston

Otro amigo le da un mordisco. Inspeccionan el beignet mientras mastican.

“I can’t say why with the other beignet’s texture is different, I just sense it is.”

You take a second bite. Yep, your friend is right! Shipley’s Beignet texture is completely different. fluffier but full of crispy goodness.

“Why is that?” you think.

La diferencia tiene que ver con la masa de hojaldre. A menudo, cuando la gente intenta hacer el clásico Café du Monde beignet, they assume the recipe calls for a Choux dough. Choux (pronounced like the word shoe) originated in France and uses steam to create lift and openness in the dough.

En su lugar, usamos levadura. ¿Por qué la levadura? Porque la levadura ayuda a expandir e inflar los buñuelos creando delicadas burbujas de aire y sabor.

Para obtener la textura ideal de beignet, comenzamos tomando nuestra clásica masa Shipley Do-Nuts y extendiéndola suavemente para cortarla. Luego viene la fritura.


¡Agregue un poco de Beignet a su día!

Usar un aceite a fuego lento al freír puede quemar los alimentos. 

beignets Houston Usamos un aceite de alta temperatura

Los últimos de su grupo muerden cuando notan algo.

“Does anyone else think Shipley’s has a more even color? The other beignets are good, just not as golden brown.”

Asiente con la cabeza.

“Maybe it has something to do with the oil,” you say. You’re right! To properly fry a delicate donut like beignets, you have to use a high heat oil. High heat oils like canola and cottonseed are perfect for frying because they can withstand the heat without smoking.

Lower heat oils, while great for drizzling over pasta, have a lower smoke point which makes frying harder to do. You’d have to fry at a low temperature to keep the dough from burning, or not fry the beignets for long, which can lead to uneven color and crunch.

That’s why Shipley Do-Nuts uses an oil that can take the high heat. We know it’s the only way get our beignets golden brown and delicious.

¡Ordene hoy unos buñuelos Houston de Shipley Do-Nuts!

If you’re craving a taste of the French Quarter, call [phone number=”(713) 589-3292 “] or click below to order the best beignets in Houston today!

Ordenar ahora

How We Make the Best Beignets in Houston | My Shipley Do-nuts – Houston, TX[:]

Entregamos donde
tu corazón desea

Visite Shipley Do-Nuts en 12403 Westheimer (entre Dairy Ashford y Kirkwood) no solo para obtener los mejores Shipley Do-Nuts calientes y suaves que jamás haya envuelto en sus labios, sino también todas las variedades de kolaches frescos y cálidos que se ofrecen las 24 horas del día. en nuestra tienda de donas de Houston.