domingo, 6 de junio de 2021
Para empezar, feliz Día Nacional de la Dona, people! As per the norm, we have arrived at the first Friday of June this year, and today we celebrate the donut, America’s dutch connection and our way of spreading hope and affection to the world.
Now whether you prefer them the classic glazed way or with toppings such as sprinkles, you’ll have to agree that you do have a favorite donut, just like the rest of us. And all us sweet heads have just one thing in mind; how to get the dozen we want while heading home from work, and sharing them with our friends and loved ones. Or just eating them all (shh, don’t tell).
Pero al mismo tiempo, sentimos que tendríamos un mayor aprecio por la libertad que nos permite tener un día Nacional para un tipo de comida, y los sacrificios que llevaron a ello. ¡Y finalmente, podemos hablar sobre todas las formas certificadas por Shipley en las que usted y su familia pueden disfrutar del día!
A symbol for hope? A pillar of strength? No, we’re not talking about Superman. But rather, superwomen. Dozens of them, in fact. During the First War, women from The Salvation Army served donuts for the good fight. And so much was the popularity and consumption of these donuts, that American infantrymen started to be known as Doughboys! Y para honrar a estos héroes trabajadores e inspiradores, comenzamos a celebrar el Día Nacional de la Dona desde sus inicios en 1938.
Y desde entonces, el primer viernes de cada mes de junio, hemos celebrado esta ocasión trascendental, que significa el triunfo de la empatía y el cuidado fruto de los sacrificios que se hicieron.
Bueno, ¿necesitamos decir más? Las donas pueden arreglar absolutamente cualquier cosa y proporcionar la chispa para momentos increíbles con las personas más cercanas a nosotros, e incluso con extraños. No importa si hay una reunión en casa, o simplemente una fiesta de promoción sorpresa que su jefe organiza para usted en nombre de su excelente trabajo, debe aceptar que una dona compartida es un momento recordado. Ahora, ya sea que los comparta o no o los guarde para más adelante, podemos guardar un secreto. Promesa.
Today more than ever, the less fortunate and privileged in this country need our help. A high percentage of people have lost their homes, their jobs, their ways of living and bits of their souls during the trying times that we’re in. Today, we can go up to them, sit and share donuts with them. Show some solidarity, some humanity and empathy, keeping the spirit of the Donut Dollies todavía vivo. Porque hoy más que nunca, necesitan que se les extienda la mano, e incluso algo tan pequeño como una dona y pasar un tiempo con otro humano puede alegrar sus vidas de formas que nunca sabremos.
Ah, you finally made it. After days, weeks, maybe months of planning, including several foiled ones and innumerable Venn diagrams depicting the perfect night out that you have in your mind, you have managed to assemble your friends much like the Avengers and have put on all 23 of the MCU’s offerings (in order, of course). Oh, what’s that? You ran out of snacks? Well, since you figured that nobody wants pizza because duh, cliche, and Chinese or Mexican doesn’t really sound good to your stomach, you decide to go for the safest bet; your favorite myshipley cream-filled dozen. Come on. You know watching Captain America throw a bunch of people around goes perfectly with this. And we hope your friend doesn’t notice that you took their Cherry sprinkled one, too. We know it was worth it.
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué el sabor de las rosquillas de la infancia sigue ahí cuando conduces o order your favorite Shipley’s online? It’s because we take you and your memories into consideration, and our bakers take several pains to make sure that your favorite donut gives you the same feeling of joy and the same sense of belonging as it did years ago. A great way to celebrate our favorite event of the year would be to support the people who toil day and night to produce our signature donuts, and let them know that their effort is not going unnoticed.
You’re a busy individual and there’s moments that you simply value as more than anything else; priceless. You come home from a long day at work, and to your surprise it’s National Donut Day and your family is waiting at the table for you to share your favorite donuts with them. You get some time for reflection and introspection, and realize that sometimes its just about you and the moments you value the most and the people that you value the most. And that’s what myshipleydonuts is here for. Sharing our joy of giving with the people that we value most : You. We enjoy our service, our expansive menu of the humble American confectionery and its various forms. And we are proud of the fact that we get to do this on a daily basis. Happy Día Nacional de la Dona, todos.
Pide tu favorito myshipleydonuts aquí, and while you’re at it, check out the history of the day we eagerly wait all year and how it came to be aquí.