Organice deliciosos eventos de desayuno con Doorstep Donut Catering en Houston

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2020

Organize Delightful Breakfast Events with Doorstep Donut Catering in Houston

When it comes to enjoying the best beignets Houston has to offer, there are only a handful of names that pop up in the ‘beignet’ search results. (Pronounced ‘ben-YAY’.) Some of them, however, aren’t even in the state of Texas. This can make a good Houston beignet seem very few and far between. All the same, Texans love beignets! Whether as a weekly breakfast tradition, midday snack, or late night treat, they make a great addition to our traditional ‘southern cooking’.

Plus, from okra to oreos, we love our fried foods. Don’t believe me, then believe this. The 2016 Texas State Fair Winner of the Big Tex Choice (Food) Awards was none other than…wait for it…deep fried Jello.


Organize Delightful Breakfast Events with Doorstep Donut Catering in Houston
Organize Delightful Breakfast Events with Doorstep Donut Catering in Houston
Organize Delightful Breakfast Events with Doorstep Donut Catering in Houston


¿Qué es un Beignet?
Lo primero es lo primero. ¿Qué es un beignet?

Well, a beignet is a deep fried French pastry made from choux pastry, and layered with confectioners sugar. (What is choux pastry? Glad you asked! Choux pastry is a light pastry made with egg. It’s the kind of dough also used for éclaires, profiteroles, and crullers.) Generally speaking, beignets are similar to ‘fritters’. They are typically made from small squares of pastry deep fried in oil, then heavily dusted with confectioners sugar.

What’s the Big Deal About Beignets in Houston?
Beignets have a long, rich history, dating back to the ancient Gauls and Romans. Here in America, however, they were popularized through the Cajun cuisine of French settlers in Louisiana. Nowadays, they are the most popular breakfast treat in New Orleans’ French Quarter, and most famously so at the Cafe du Monde. This twenty four hour cafe, originally opened in 1862, has been repeatedly featured in popular songs, books, and even the occasional celebrity buzzfeed.

Dicho esto, el gran problema de los buñuelos en Houston, sin embargo, es que Nueva Orleans y el Café du Monde están a 350 millas de distancia, al otro lado de la frontera estatal, en Louisiana. Eso hace que un buen beignet de Houston sea bastante difícil de encontrar.

Disfrute de los mejores beignets que Houston tiene para ofrecer
Por suerte para usted, nuestras dos ubicaciones de Houston Shipley Do-Nuts han aumentado drásticamente sus posibilidades de encontrar excelentes beignets en Houston, TX. Ahora puede obtener estos pasteles calientes y frescos al estilo de Nueva Orleans (hechos a pedido) las veinticuatro horas del día, los siete días de la semana, sin tener que abandonar la comodidad de Space City o, para el caso, del estado de la estrella solitaria. .

Plus, be sure to check our coupon section for regular deals on beignets, kolaches, and far more varieties of donuts than you could ever eat in a single sitting. And don’t forget to check out our great catering and delivery options. We look forward to your visit!

* Buñuelos estilo New Orleans hechos a pedido, disponibles exclusivamente en Shipley Do-Nuts. 12403 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77077 (ubicación las 24 horas) y 1001 McKinney St, Houston, TX 77002. Llame al (713) 589-3292 para obtener más información.

Entregamos donde
tu corazón desea

Visite Shipley Do-Nuts en 12403 Westheimer (entre Dairy Ashford y Kirkwood) no solo para obtener los mejores Shipley Do-Nuts calientes y suaves que jamás haya envuelto en sus labios, sino también todas las variedades de kolaches frescos y cálidos que se ofrecen las 24 horas del día. en nuestra tienda de donas de Houston.