miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2019
The sugary obsessions caused by donuts can send you on a guilt trip sometimes. But, when you feel low and need comfort, it’s probably your first go-to food as well. There’s nothing more comforting than poking your sorrows with your favorite carbs and sugary snacks. So, when you feel the need to grab comfort food, call for entrega de donas de MyShipleyDonuts.
Crea tu Comida comfortable sofocando, desmenuzando o alisando cualquier cobertura de estas dulces delicias. Aquí hay algunas ideas que pueden tentarlo a devorar una de estas golosinas cuando la vida lo ponga difícil:
Packed with Elvis’s favorite peanut butter and banana, this donut is the pinnacle of comfort food. Order a juicy or glazed donut and top it off with banana and PB. Covered in honey or jelly, these donuts are nothing short of miracles that can take all your worries away with a bite.
“The peanut butter and banana donuts are the ultimate comfort food.”
Since they’re named after the king of rock and roll, you will undoubtedly love their uniqueness as much as we do.
Las suaves barras de arce rosquilla de tocino is tempting with their chewy and gooey delicacy. They’re the completely melt-in-your-mouth type comfort food where a sweet dusting of maple sugar on crispy bacon does the magic.
Termínelos con tocino desmenuzado, y a todos los demás en su familia también les encantará. Establezca sus mañanas en el curso correcto con una rosquilla de tocino de arce espolvoreada con canela o chocolate, ¡lo que sea que le guste!
Llámalo Fruity Pebble, Coco Loco o Cereal Killer; estas donas son todo lo que necesitas después de un tiempo angustioso. Si te gustan los cereales y me encantan las rosquillas, don’t miss this delightful combo. Call MyShipley’s donut delivery, consigue tu donut favoritoy ahogarlo con el cereal de su elección. Este será tu mejor pastel de desayuno con Fruit Loops, Cocoa Puffs o Lucky Charms por todas partes.
What can alleviate your stress better than a campfire and S’mores? That’s the classic Comida reconfortante estadounidense, after all. Let’s combine it with your favorite donuts to make a recipe you’ll always enjoy.
S’mores stuffed with marshmallows and chocolate inside Graham crackers aren’t the treat for Boy Scouts only. You can make them your staple food by bringing donuts into the picture. Fill your sugary beauties with roasted marshmallows and top them with chocolate glaze for added yumminess.
If you worry that you’ll have to make it in your kitchen, you won’t. Just pedirlo en línea from MyShipley’s 24-hour donut shop, get your favorite comfort movie, and let your worries wilt on the couch.
A veces, todo lo que quieres sentirte bien es Oreo. Entonces, tome un montón, tritúrelos finamente y colóquelos dentro de sus donas para obtener el toque azucarado que necesita. Guarde algunos trozos para la cobertura y enfríe las donas antes de glasear.
“Make your favorite Oreo donuts and enjoy the perfection of taste.”
Top your Oreo-stuffed donuts with vanilla or cream cheese frosting for a decadent snack. The iconic cookie tastes like heaven inside your donut. Want to smother it with peanut butter? Go for it. It’s your comfort food. Make it your way!
So, these are some amazing ideas to make delicious comfort foods out of donuts. You can try any of these recipes and add your imagination to it. Get donut delivery from our shop, and that only takes a few minutes. And you’re good to go for a snack that makes you happy.
¿Por qué esperar para preparar la comida reconfortante que desea cuando nuestra entrega de donas solo requiere una llamada o un pedido en línea? Puedes llamarnos al 713-589-3292 or simply go online to submit your order. There’s no need to wait in lines when our online delivery system is so simple and sorted out.
Del deleite azucarado a la comida reconfortante: la perfección de las rosquillas | MyShipleyDonuts – Houston, TX[:]