viernes, 1 de abril de 2016
[: en] Quiere pedir donas en línea? Shipley Do-Nuts y DoorDash se han emparejado en el área de Houston para entregar Shipley fresco y caliente Do-nueces, Kolaches y más, directamente a su puerta. Descubra las diez razones principales para pedir donas en línea para su equipo hoy.
We all know that donuts are a popular breakfast food. Drive-thru lines can get backed up. Especially at rush hour. So, whether you’re industrious or just plain lazy, avoid the line. Order donuts online. Schedule a delivery time that’s convenient for you.
We’re not gonna ask why you’re late, that’s between you and the boss. Just do yourself a favor and have some breakfast. Order donuts online.
Whether you’re taking care of sick kids or waiting for the cable guy, don’t fret. You can still satisfy your sweet tooth with door-to-door donut delivery service.
Steak and eggs may sound delicious, but in the hands of an amateur, even the best intentions can go up in smoke and char. Don’t dismay. A box of assorted donuts will cheer you up in no time.
Maybe you’re finishing a major paper, a homework project, a business presentation, or just coming off the night shift–but have places to be come sunrise. Give your body the boost of energy it needs by ordering a box of assorted donuts, delivered directly to wherever it is you need to be.
Incluso la infusión más amarga se endulzará cuando mojes una dona cubierta de hielo o glaseada.
Not everyday is a perfect day. Maybe your boyfriend/girlfriend just broke up with you. Maybe your dog is sick. Maybe your car got rear-ended in morning traffic. Or maybe you broke your new smartphone. Whatever the reason, give yourself a self-esteem pick-me-up by ordering donuts for your class or office. Even if they don’t say it out loud, nothing says ‘I love you’, like a box of donuts, emptied in under a minute.
Okay, #realtalk. Not everyone enjoys a chatterbox first thing in the morning. Make the noise stop by offering them the choice pick of an assorted box of donuts, delivered fresh and quick. Xanax online You’ll be rewarded with the silence you crave.
When you’re asked to run out for donuts and coffee for the big meeting, just sit back, order donuts online, and relax. Enjoy their looks of panic and frustration while you sit at your desk, casually playing Mindsweeper and Farmville at the same time.
Pedir donas en línea para su equipo, familia, colegas, compañeros de clase o club es simplemente un buen karma. Haz que tu futuro sea aún más delicioso repartiendo donas a tus compañeros. Después de todo, lo que se da es seguro que volverá. Las buenas vibraciones seguramente volverán a ti.
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Diez razones principales para pedir donas en línea | Shipley Do-Nuts, Houston, TX[:]