miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2018
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The simple answer is that you’re hungry, and donuts are delicious! But it goes beyond that.
We’ve all been there. It’s midnight, you can’t sleep, and you have a sudden craving for something sweet. So you head down to the kitchen and open up the fridge.
Entonces sucede una de tres cosas. Ya sea:
A) Encuentra el dulce perfecto para saciar su hambre;
B) You don’t have what you’re looking for and go back to bed hungry; or
C) You don’t have what you’re looking for and grab something else, which doesn’t satisfy your craving.
Puede ser frustrante, entonces, ¿cómo vencer estos antojos nocturnos (o en cualquier momento del día)? El primer paso es comprenderlos.
And if you’re craving donuts late at night, it’s easy to satisfy your sweet tooth – simply order donuts from Shipley Do-Nuts by ordering en línea! That’s right – estamos abiertos para pedidos 24/7! So you can satisfy your donut craving en cualquier momento de día o de noche. Incluso ofrecemos entrega de donas, so you don’t have to change out of your pajamas to get the sweet treats you crave.
It’s important to note that hunger and cravings are two different things. You can be hungry, but not want anything in particular, or have a craving, but not really be very hungry. In other words, they’re not mutually exclusive. So let’s break it down.
Also called “selective hunger,” cravings are an intense desire to eat a certain food, and it is not the same thing as normal hunger. Research suggests it may be related to specific hunger, a drive to consume specific nutrients, a phenomenon studied extensively in the animal kingdom.
It is well-known that the brain responds positively to indulgence in sweet treats – it releases dopamina, the “happy hormone” often associated with love and satisfaction.
That’s because up until the advent of artificial additives, sweet flavors signified calorie-dense foods. ‘If you’re sitting there on the savanna and trying not to be eaten by something else, you want to be able to make a quick decision about what’s good to eat,’ says Steven Munger, profesor asociado de anatomía y neurobiología en la Universidad de Maryland. Un bocadillo dulce indicó que probablemente no solo no era venenoso, sino que también proporcionaría mucha energía.
This is also why children tend to prefer sweets more than adults – it is linked to development. As a small child, you need more calories and nutrients to grow properly.
While there is no one, single, agreed upon cause for cravings, research suggests that it is linked to your body’s need for nutrients, as well as brain activity. Certain foods contain certain nutrients. Depending on what your body needs, you may feel a craving for something like chicken when you have low protein levels.
Foods with a lot of glucose are craved more often than foods with lower glucose levels. Examples include chocolate vs. broccoli. There’s a clear winner here.
Your brain loves glucose. When glucose interacts with your brain, it triggers those happy hormones. Your brain wants more of that feeling, so it seeks out whatever causes it – in this case, donuts.
¿Alguna vez vio un comercial de donas y de repente tuvo un antojo? Nosotros también.
Hambre es el estado fisiológico de la necesidad de ingerir alimentos. En el otro lado de la moneda está la saciedad, que es la sensación de estar lleno.
“Hunger pangs” begin 12-24 hours after the last time you ate. These are different from cravings and occur as contractions within the stomach, usually lasting about 30 seconds each. These continue for awhile and may also include emotional changes such as anger or irritability.
Most intense in young, healthy people, hunger pangs signal low blood sugar levels (more intense in diabetics). These feelings don’t just disappear, either – in fact, research suggests that hunger – if not sated – never goes away.
When you’re hungry, your body is saying, “I need food to give me the nutrients I need to function!”
Dos hormonas controlan su hambre: leptina y grelina.
When you haven’t eaten in awhile, your leptin levels drop. This drop causes the release of the “hunger hormone” ghrelin – which makes you feel hungry.
Cuando finalmente comas adipocitos o células grasas, libera leptina en tu cuerpo, reduciendo así tu hambre. Estas células grasas están diseñadas para almacenar energía en forma de grasa.
El cuerpo humano necesita comida y agua para sobrevivir. Mientras que, hipotéticamente, una persona puede ir más de 3 semanas (alrededor de 30-40 días) sin comida y sobrevivir, la estimación real depende del tamaño corporal, la cantidad de grasa corporal y su nivel de actividad. A diferencia de las plantas, no podemos obtener nutrientes de la luz solar y, por lo tanto, necesitamos alimentos para sobrevivir. Tampoco puedes vivir de las reservas de grasa.
According to Brit Lab host Greg Foot, the average 154-pound man burns about 1,690 kilocalories a day, and that’s even if he does nothing other than sit on the couch.
Mientras personas como Mahatma Ghandi y otros han llegado a extremos, it is extremely unhealthy to fast for long periods of time like this. The human body needs nourishment to survive! So make sure when those pangs hit, you’ve got something delicious to fill your stomach!
Now that you understand why you’re craving them, satisfy that need with a delicious order of donuts from Shipley Do-Nuts. It’s easy to order – either visite una de nuestras convenientes ubicaciones en Houston o comprar online! Mira nuestro menú y elija entre una gran selección de deliciosos favoritos.
¡Ordene Donuts en línea ahora!
Why I’m Craving Donuts: The Science Behind Craving Donuts | Shipley Do-Nuts[:]