Shipley Do-Nuts Production
To download and print your personal job application, please select the link below. When it appears in a new window you can print or save the application. Please fill out the application completely in your own handwriting, making sure to sign and date it where indicated. You can fax your application to (713)513-5542, or scan & email it to, or you can also mail it if you prefer to: Mike Simon, 12403 Westheimer Rd., Ste A, Houston TX 77077.

The Cutter is responsible for mixing the dough and creating all of the categories of food items from the dough. This is probably the most challenging position in the donut store. Because, not only does it require some muscle to block, roll and cut the dough; but it also requires some artistic talent to craft the dough into the individual products (do-nuts, shells for filling, twists, rolls, bars for filling, fritters, and kolaches). There are a number of machines, tools, and equipment that assist the Cutter in this work (mixer, cutting table, rolling pin, pastry wheel, dough scraper, whisk, etc.).
The Fryer is responsible for frying and glazing the donuts as needed to satisfy customer demand. The fryer also monitors the merchandise display and communicates with the Customer Service staff to determine production needs. An important challenge for the Fryer is to keep an eye on the level of proofing of the donuts in the proof box. The proofing process takes about 20 minutes. If the donuts are fried too early (or under-proofed), the donuts did not have enough time to rise and the resulting donut will be smaller and denser. If the donuts are fried too late (or over-proofed), the resulting do-nuts will be too big and will absorb too much oil. At Shipley’s we only fry perfectly-proofed donuts that are light, delicious and non-greasy to the taste.

The Baker is responsible for prepping and baking our kolaches, coffee cakes, cinnamon rolls and other baked items. The Baker usually oversees the frying of our cake donuts as well. The Baker must continually monitor production needs of the kolaches, one of our most popular items. There are several steps involved here so it is important to know how many of each variety are available for sale in the display warmer, how many are prepared in the refrigerator, how many are in the proof box and how many are in the oven.

We deliver where
your heart desires
Visit Shipley Do-Nuts at 12403 Westheimer (between Dairy Ashford & Kirkwood) not only for the best hot, pillowy soft Shipley Do-Nuts you’ve ever wrapped your lips around but also all varieties of fresh, warm kolaches offered 24 hours a day at our Houston donut shop.