7 Best Donuts You Have To Try In Fall 2022

Wednesday, 12th October 2022

fall donuts


It’s fall, the trees have changed colors, and the sky is clear blue, meaning it’s time for some donuts. 

For many, this is the best time of the year which calls for a long scenic drive and a delicious treat. And what better way to pamper yourself (and your taste buds) than a sweet and delectable donut.


But what makes donuts the best fall delicacy? 


Well, the country’s love for donuts is manifest in the fact that they hold the crown for being the best American dessert.


Within Texas, the love for donuts is visible from the fact that 282 Shipley Do-nuts stores, 82 percent of all, are in the state alone. All the more reason why you should grab some of those mouth-watering delights from your nearest Shipleys. 


Confused as to which donut you should go for to satisfy your cravings? 


Read on, as we have here the best fall donuts for you. 

#1. Chocolate iced donuts (the best fall snack) 

fall donuts


Love chocolates but can’t resist a donut too? 


We’ve got your back, as chocolate iced donuts have got them both. 


So you can immerse yourself in a one-of-its-kind taste featuring a traditional donut recipe topped with a thick layer of delicious chocolate glaze. 


In fact, a layer of rich cocoa chocolate atop a moist, buttery, and sweet donut is the perfect icing on the cake. And when covered with little sprinkles, you simply can’t stop yourself from munching more than one. 

There are more reasons to go beyond one

These donuts are baked and not fried, which means you can snack on them just about anytime you feel like, and beyond the fall season.


Looking to bring home some chocolate iced donuts? 


Check out Shipley’s menu to order some online and have them on your doorstep right away. 

#2. Classic glazed donuts (to make for a traditional fall brunch) 

fall donuts


What better way to enjoy a fall brunch in the good old style than some classic glazed donuts? 


You see, even though these are simple glazed donuts, we bet that your sweet tooth can’t resist them. 


Light on sugar and made with a smooth yet thinner dough, these donuts are the best companion for your cup of coffee. 


But aren’t glazed donuts bland compared to others? 


Not at all, as plain doesn’t mean bland. 


You’re rather in for a flavorful surprise, thanks to a long list of toppings available for them. From powdered sugar to frosting to glaze made with irresistible combinations like milk, sugar, cocoa powder, or cocoa, there are endless toppings you can choose from. 


And with Shipley’s coupon offering half a dozen glazed donuts free, it’s a deal worth grabbing. 


Awesome, isn’t it? 

#3. Apple filled donuts (for the best fall breakfast) 

fall donuts


Donuts are already the most popular breakfast. After all, nothing really comes close to the tasty and filling donuts that make your breakfast both appetizing and wholesome. 


When it comes to the best fall breakfast, apple filled donuts tops the list. 




An apple donut is a filling and healthy option that keeps you going for the day, which makes it the go-to option for the morning. 


Also, if you’re in for a savory breakfast delicacy, you can’t go wrong with donuts filled with juicy apples on the inside and a soft and warm layer on the outside.  


Now coming to the fall, you can get some of the freshest apples at this time of the year. Meaning, apple donuts freshly baked on a fall morning are simply at their best. 


In for a heavenly taste? 


Grab some fresh apples from your local farmer’s market and bake some donuts out of them. 

#4. Lemon filled donuts 

lemon filled


Not a fan of apple donuts? 


Rest easy, as you can still savor some fulfilling delight this fall with lemon filled donuts. 


Lemon filled donuts are as delectable as apple filled donuts and can be your go-to healthy breakfast. That’s because these donuts are baked and are completely oil-free. 


And what makes them super delicious is the filling of fresh lemon curd along with lemon extract for the best of flavors. 


A little sprinkle of powdered sugar atop these donuts, and you’ll keep munching them for the entire day. 

#5. Baked cinnamon sugar donuts 

Cinnamon Sugar


Fall is the time when we all crave some warm sweet delicacy, and what better to serve your cravings than some fresh and hot donuts. 


Talking about hot donuts, nothing comes close to the little cinnamon sugar donuts, which are so delicious that you won’t stop till they cool down. 


And why stop? 


After all, these donuts are best enjoyed fresh from the oven, and you can have them delivered warm and fresh right to your home from your nearest Shipleys. 

Donut pro tip 

Customize your hot cinnamon sugar donuts with some sugar sprinkles and caramel drizzle for a savory fall snack. 

#6. Strawberry gingersnap

Strawberry gingersnap


Love strawberries?  


If yes, you’re in for an enhanced flavor of strawberry with these donuts. 


Strawberry gingersnap donuts are small-sized and wrapped in a smooth strawberry glaze that will melt in your mouth. 


While it may sound surprising, the gingersnap cake underneath the layer of strawberry is indeed the perfect match. In fact, the duo of gingersnap and strawberry goes best with some freshly brewed mocha and can become your favorite combo with evening coffee. 

#7. Apple cider crumb donuts (for a perfect fall dessert) 

Apple cider crumb


We all crave a delectable dessert, and to make your dessert the best experience this fall, we have apple cider crumb donuts. 


These are thick donuts but with a really thin and delicate dough on the inside. And if you’re looking for a crisp apple flavor, the crumbs have got your back. 


The best thing is the super sweet frosting on these donuts made with a mix of cream cheese and vanilla. 


Wondering what the perfect way to end your fall dinner is? 


We recommend you pour some red wine and complement it with a savory apple cider crumb. 

Wrapping it up

When we talk about donuts, the conversation will be incomplete without the never-ending debate as to whether donuts are dessert or breakfast


Nevertheless, why bother if you can enjoy your donuts any time of the day and as you like it. 


From being a healthy breakfast option to serving your sweet cravings to being the best companion for your cup of coffee, donuts are the right fit for just about everything. 


So go on and munch as much as you feel like this fall. 


We deliver where
your heart desires

Visit Shipley Do-Nuts at 12403 Westheimer (between Dairy Ashford & Kirkwood) not only for the best hot, pillowy soft Shipley Do-Nuts you’ve ever wrapped your lips around but also all varieties of fresh, warm kolaches offered 24 hours a day at our Houston donut shop.